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Personal Injury Accident Compensation—How Much Will You Get?


What are the main determining factors that decide how much personal injury accident compensation you’ll receive?

Once you have explained in detail to your personal injury attorney how the accident happened, who was at fault, and what injuries you sustained, they should be able to give you an estimate of the compensation you are owed.

Personal injury accident compensation is based on these three factors:


1. How impactful the injury was on your life. What were your medical expenses including follow up healthcare appointments? How much time did you spend away from work and much in wages did you lose? What activities are you no long able to do because of the injury? Can you still take care of your family? Did you suffer emotional pain?


2. Who was liable? Did liability rest with the other party? Was any part of the accident your fault? If so, it may reduce compensation. How negligent was the other party? Were they acting with intent and maliciousness?


3. Do you or the other party have insurance. What does the insurance cover? Do the policies cover these types of accidents. An insurance agent may reach out to the victim and try to settle the case early by offering compensation. Consulting with an attorney prior to making a settlement can ensure that the victim obtains the maximum compensation they are entitled to.

For more information, send us a message.


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